Wednesday, November 17, 2010


So i have taken a long break from blogging! but i think i will stick with it! So as most of you know i am preparing to come home from Iraq! its been a rough ride doing back to back deployments but i think i have learned a lot being in the army and pretty much around the world! Here is a list of the things i have learned!

1- Never forget where you came from....EVER! it's important to be yourself always!
2- Try to live your life how you want to live it, don't let anyone tell you what you should do or what you should be.
3- Always love your family! (even if they do tie you to a light post during a lightning storm)
4- When you are a leader try to take a little from each of your past leaders or bosses!
5- There is no use in lying, as a great woman once told me "the more you lie, the more you have to remember"
6- Friends grow up lol (sort of ) we all can't live like we did in high school or collage, remember the great times, learn from the hard times!
7- Take pride in everything you do, you never know who is watching
8- Don't bash on soldiers!
9- If you have a totally rad family let them know! It's always nice to know what your family thinks of you!
10- Don't live life under a rock! Get out there try new things meet new people, enjoy the culture of a different country!

I could go on all day, but what i am trying to get at is live, love learn!

For my family.

Mom- you are the greatest mom a son could ask for. Your always going to be my numero uno lady! i know that without you i would of ended up somewhere horrible! thank you for always being there for me, thank you for always believing in me, thank you for your love, kindness, willingness to help no matter what time of day it is :) Thank you for all the pep-talks. I love you more than i sometimes show

Dad- Dad you have always been a great example in my life! you took care of the whole family, you have taught me so many life lessons! I know i wasn't the perfect son, and i wasn't the easiest kid to get along with! but i feel that ever since i have joined the army we have grown closer, i love to see your pictures you post, you have a real talent i am always excited to see your work. I know that you and mom are always going to be there for me. So thank you for being patient with me, thank you for always wanting to be part of my life. Thank you for all the love that you show!

Harm- (sigh) my little big sister! your the best! thank you for being different haha i love to come home and see all the weird, fun, upbeat cloths and jewelry that you rock so well! don't ever change! its been a rough ride with me and you but i want you to know that i love you so much! i am not sure if you remember but thank you for the pep talks! it was hard in high school for me to follow in your foot steps! you cast a large shadow for someone as small as you are haha! but i am very proud of you and love that you are my lil big sister!

Hannah- Sorry about all the scars! i want you to know that when you came to Germany to visit me, that meant a lot to me. i had so so so much fun driving on the autoban with you. even though we didn't do much just having you around to talk to laugh made my year! i remember talking to that night that we stayed up pretty late. i miss talking to you. i think me and you are more alike then we think! i am also very proud of you! you are smart, funny, random, loving, and you are always up for a good time! you are a beautiful woman, with a beautiful personality to match it. i look forward to seeing you when i return home in dec. never change....EVER!

Hali- lol sorry about the broken arms! i am sure the doc thought we abused you all the time! i want to thank you for bringing your upbeat random personality to the table! i don't know what we would do with out your goofy comments, stories, and updates on your day to day life. I am very proud of you Hali! i am so so stoked to come home and kick it with ya! Never change Hay Hay! We will have to go snowboarding when i come home! hahaha thank you for always asking mom if i could get out of the corner when we were little! it didn't always work but it was always nice of you to do that! you are a inspiration to us all :)

Derek- i don't know you that well but i want to thank you for helping my mother, and thank you for taking such good care of harmony! she can be a handful sometimes but u handle it like a pro. so thank you. I am excited to finally have a chance to be around a lil bit more maybe we could kick it!

Family- i love all of you so much! thank you for always being there when i need it the most! i know i wouldn't be were i am today without you all :)